Mentat is a set of educational tools aimed to help teachers create courses - sets of tasks and students to learn with assistance of computer. Main feature is the ability to verify analytical response and assist student basing on his previous results.
The contents of a question is text (HTML allowed, math is supported in latex notation) which suggest either to select one or some of variants (can be added) or to enter value or analytic formula (javascript notation). If a variant mode is requested, then user have to add variants of answer. Otherwise, use has to specify available parameters of analytical expression and it's valid ranges. Validity of expression can be verified immediately. Script for initialization can be supplied. Thus, the teacher can ask student to perform some actions and enter the result back. Also, the teacher can define regular expression to verify string answer.
Same question can be include into many courses with different difficulty. The information stored in course file can be used by querying program to generate recommendations: which part of course was learned poorly and immediately open corresponding support material, using link provided in a course.
This is the main program for the studen who is willing to study some course. The program shows all course available in data directory and allows to study it thorough: it creates learn plan, selects questions appropriate for each topic and desired complexity, keeps statistics of learn sessions. Finally, student have to pass exam on this course.
If user opens and examination session, questions are sent to him and answers accepted. The program will be used in computer class to allow testing students using available course and questions. No GUI, just daemon.
A Mentat is a profession or discipline in Frank Herbert's fictional Dune universe. Mentats are humans trained to mimic computers: human minds developed to staggering heights of cognitive and analytical ability.
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This program is a free software and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v.3.